Re: Impossible de graver les DVD de restauration
le 20 Déc 2011 21:42
j'ai cherché sur le net et voici une méthode qui fonctionne chez moi.
Pb initiale un peu différent puisque AI recovery m'indiquait partition not exist
I am very pleased to announce that I finally have the solution to this problem. I've had the same issue for months. I called Asus tech support and asked geeksquad at bestbuy. Both referred me to each other -_-...anyway you're ganna want to open the "AI Recovery" folder found in "program files x86" on you're harddrive. Mine was in the original (C) drive, I state this because I have/had 3 plus the one "Recovery (R)" drive from this issue. SO from program files x86, go to ASUS, then AI Recovery. Once in this folder scroll down to "ChangeHD" (type:application), its size is about 87kb. open/run the app. as an administrator. that should unmount/hide and put the partition files back to where they originally were. It doesn't take long at all, and once its finished you can run the AI Recovery burner normally as it should.
maintenant j'ai pu reprendre le gravage de mes DVD+R pour la sauvegarde
Bien à vous et merci pour vos conseils qui sont précieux