1. Download uninstaller (right click and choose "Save target as.." from pulldown menu
2. Run it
3. Reboot your PC
4. Run it second time
5. Change your start page to "about:blank" in the IE settings (Tools -> Internet Options)
6. Click "Start" -> "Run" -> regedit
7. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerBrowser Helper Objects
8. Select key {FF1BF4C7-4E08-4A28-A43F-9D60A9F7A880} and delete it
et encore un p'tit truc que je ne marquerais pas...

enfin bon...j'y comprends rien car ca ne marche pas non plus...je crois...ou bien je ne le fais pas comme il faut...