Je suis un peu perdu et fait donc appel à vos services!
Depuis hier, avast me notifie d'une attaque d'un virus sur lequel j'ai récupéré des infos sur ce forum : win32 : vitro!
J'ai potassé un peu la chose à travers différents sujets qui abordait ce problème.
J'ai donc utilisé spybot mis à jour, ccleaner ... jusque là rien de bien exceptionnel, spybot m'a trouvé 2 trojans pas bien méchants.
J'ai installé Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware pour procéder à une analyse complète afin de vous poster un rapport complet, cependant j'ai un énorme soucis. Lorsque je procéde à cette analyse complète, et que Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware analyse mes fichiers .exe...aussitôt avast lance un message d'alerte de contamination de ce fichier .exe
Regardez par vous même le jounal avast:
12/11/2009 15:25:22 SYSTEM 1548 Sign of "Win32:Rootkit-gen [Rtk]" has been found in "D:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\service.tmp" file.
12/11/2009 15:25:59 SYSTEM 1548 Sign of "Win32:Alureon-EC [Rtk]" has been found in "D:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\spool.tmp" file.
12/11/2009 15:26:04 SYSTEM 1548 Sign of "Win32:Rootkit-gen [Rtk]" has been found in "D:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\stat.tmp" file.
13/11/2009 13:11:21 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Trojan-gen" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\VRT1.tmp" file.
13/11/2009 13:31:14 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\fltmc.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:31:29 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\asuninst.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:31:36 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\telnet.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:31:40 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\nbtstat.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:31:46 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Trojan-gen" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\VRT22.tmp" file.
13/11/2009 13:31:48 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\gpupdate.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:31:57 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\sm56set.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:34:09 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\notepad.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:35:10 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\mqtgsvc.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:35:24 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\chkdsk.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:35:43 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\ntbackup.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:35:47 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\comsdupd.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:36:12 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\dllhost.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:36:23 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\label.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:36:35 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\runas.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:36:41 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\logoff.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:36:48 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\regedt32.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:36:56 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\system32\nddeapir.exe" file.
13/11/2009 13:51:02 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Trojan-gen" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\VRT36.tmp" file.
13/11/2009 14:01:35 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\InstallShield\Engine\6\Intel 32\IKernel.exe" file.
13/11/2009 14:02:39 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{9A4D2983-4662-4387-BE3D-4CFC2FA9C100}\Setup.exe" file.
13/11/2009 14:03:08 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{FD851F7E-F887-405D-9E1C-488811113EF3}\Setup.exe" file.
13/11/2009 14:03:44 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Assistant de connexion\ICWRMIND.EXE" file.
13/11/2009 14:03:56 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_05\javaws\javaws.exe" file.
13/11/2009 14:04:15 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:JunkPoly [Cryp]" has been found in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSO7FTPA.EXE" file.
13/11/2009 14:05:08 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "C:\Program Files\MUSK Codec Pack v4\AC3 Filter\dialog_patch.exe" file.
13/11/2009 14:07:04 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:JunkPoly [Cryp]" has been found in "C:\Program Files\MUSK Codec Pack v4\MPC\MPCEN.exe" file.
13/11/2009 14:07:27 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "C:\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape\components\talkback.exe" file.
13/11/2009 14:08:01 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:JunkPoly [Cryp]" has been found in "C:\Program Files\Photoshop\Exemples\Droplets\ImageReady Droplets\Make GIF (128 colors).exe" file.
13/11/2009 14:09:33 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\setup_wm.exe" file.
13/11/2009 14:10:27 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Vitro" has been found in "C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessoires\wordpad.exe" file.
13/11/2009 14:10:40 SYSTEM 1560 Sign of "Win32:Trojan-gen" has been found in "D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\VRT45.tmp" file.
Que dois-je faire???
J'ai bien mis tous ces fichiers en quarantaine mais j'ai l'impression que ce virus se propage à une vitesse grand V.
J'ai toutes mes données persos sur ce PC branché en réseau chez moi, et je n'ai aucune sauvegarde sur un autre PC.
Je ne voudrais pas avoir à le formater