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Probleme de modem sous win 2000 pro

Encore un écran bleu sur votre PC ? Vous avez besoin d'aide pour installer correctement le driver de votre nouveau matériel informatique sur un système Microsoft ? Alors posez nous vos questions sur ce forum d'entraide.

Probleme de modem sous win 2000 pro

Message le 19 Nov 2003 20:05


J'ai un souci avec mon nouveau modem smart link 56K. Dès l'installation terminé, un point d'exclamation jaune apparait dans la liste des périphériques et un erreur est inscrite dans les propriétés :
Ce périphérique ne peut pas démarrer. (Code 10)

Je suis allé sur le site du fournisseur pour prendre les derniers drivers, mais rien ni fait....

Est ce que quelqu'un a déja eu ce problème?Si oui répondez moi...

Merci d'avance
Messages: 4
Inscription: 19 Nov 2003 19:59

Message le 19 Nov 2003 20:47


le modem smart link, c un modem pci non ?

regarde si tu l'a bien connecT au port pci...
Sous Expert(e)
Sous Expert(e)
Messages: 97
Inscription: 29 Oct 2003 23:13

Message le 19 Nov 2003 20:49

Exact, c'est un modem PCI.
Oui il est bien connecté, je l'ai meme déplacé sur un autre port, mais toujour le meme resultat :-?
Messages: 4
Inscription: 19 Nov 2003 19:59

Message le 19 Nov 2003 20:52

moi je vient d'essuyer un probleme avec mon mode
c'est BVRP SoftK56 Data Voice FaxModem CARP

j'ai fait les mise àjour des driver chez microsoft entre autre dirver connexant
croyant bien faire
et j'ai perdu toute capacité à me connecter tcp ip minitel fax etc. quand j'ai essayé de désinstaller le driver écran bleu de win 2000
la premièrefois j'ai insisté et j'ai perdu toute la partition ntfs!!!


voila pour éviter le pire au cas ou.
Messages: 5
Inscription: 18 Nov 2003 22:02

Message le 19 Nov 2003 21:01

désolé c'est delanglais, et je me debrouille très mal alors plutot de diere des bétises

w2k USB drivers (

Posted on Wavefinder forum 10th February 2002.
Updated 17th April 2002.

Like many other Wavefinder owners I was frustrated by the way it would lock up, loop or stutter for no apparent reason under XP. At first I thought it was something to do with the VIA chipset (as on my KT7A Raid motherboard) but after playing around with other USB PCI cards, I discovered by chance that loading the Windows 2000 drivers cured all my problems. My ramblings on this discovery can be found at
I do not know why this works. Perhaps the new XP USB drivers do not integrate well with the Wavefinder driver causing these problems. Remember the Wavefinder driver was designed for Win98/SE & Windows 2000 only.

Encouraged by the number of people who have tried this procedure both on this forum and I have extracted all the necessary information in one area.

This will NOT cure problems with poor reception and I recommend the use of an external aerial. Many XP users will NOT need to carry out this procedure. For those however with looping, crashing, stuttering etc read on:

There are many so-called solutions for the XP problem including the purchase of an external hub, removal of the aerial daughter board etc. I would suggest that you try this procedure first BEFORE spending any other money on additional equipment. This costs nothing to do apart from your time and patience.

This information is provided in good faith. If you choose to carry out this procedure you do so at your own risk.

The Windows 2000 files are obviously copyrighted by Microsoft and therefore cannot be distributed. If you cannot get hold of the drivers, I suggest you leave your e-mail on the forum and hope somebody emails them to you.

You will need to obtain the following Windows 2000 files:


If you have access to a computer already loaded with Windows 2000 the these files can be found in the following directories:

Winntinf USB.INF
WinntSystem32 USBUI.DLL
WinntSystem32drivers OPENHCI.SYS
WinntSystem32drivers UHCD.SYS
WinntSystem32drivers USBD.SYS
WinntSystem32drivers USBHUB.SYS

If you only have a Windows 2000 CD then these files will need to be extracted:

Make a directory on your c-drive called "W2K USB Drivers"

From the Windows 2000 CD copy EXPAND.EXE and USB.IN_ from the /I386 Folder to the new W2K USB Drivers folder.

Run the Command Prompt, which can normally be found under Start then accessories.

Within the command prompt, change the directory by typing CD^/d^C:W2K USB Drivers [Return] where the ^ denotes a space.

Next type Expand^-r^*.* [Return] again where the ^ denotes a space. This will extract the USB.INF file to its full glory.

Close the command prompt down and then find using Explorer a file called DRIVER.CAB again in the I386 folder on the CD.

Double click on this file and a CAB Viewer will appear. Find OPENHCI.SYS from the list, right click and extract the file to the W2K USB Drivers folder.


You now have all the necessary W2K USB files to load into XP.

Windows XP maintains two sources for its drivers, which it resorts to in case of problems. The first can be found under Windowssystem32dllcache and the second is WindowsDriver

To prevent XP from finding these drivers, we first need to rename the i386 folder to i386temp.
Next look in the dllcache directory and rename every file, which has the identical file name as those extracted from the W2K disk. For example you should find USBHUB.SYS. Rename this to USBHUBXP.SYS. Repeat with every other file found on the list.

Important notice:
Some users have noted that the dllcache directory does not exist on their system. This only seems to appear when Windows XP is updated. If you cannot find this directory then please ignore the renaming instruction.

Unplug every USB device from the PC and boot into safe mode.
Go to Device Manager (Right click on My Computer, Properties, Hardware Tab, Device Manager).
At the bottom of the tree find 'Universal Serial Bus Controllers' and click on the + sign to the left of it.
Look for the USB host controller(s). These are named differently depending on the motherboard. Take special note if you have a VIA host controller.

Right click on the first (or only) USB host controller and choose Update driver. Choose 'Install from a list........' and click next. Choose 'Don't search, I will choose.............' And click next. Click on the 'Have disk' button and point to the W2K USB Drivers directory and the USB.INF file. Press OK. You will be warned that these drivers are not digitally signed. Continue anyway to load the drivers. You will be presented with 2 choices. If you have a VIA chipset then select 'VIA USB Open Host Controller'. All others choose 'Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controllers'

Feedback from users have indicated that the USB chipset of their motherboard is presented. If this is the case then choose that option from the list.

Once loaded repeat this procedure with any remaining USB host controllers on the device manager tree. Repeat the driver install procedure with all references to USB Root hub in device Manager again pointing to the W2K USB Drivers directory. It should only give one option 'USB Root Hub' for this device.

Reboot the PC back into Windows normal mode. Plug in the Wavefinder to a USB port. After a short while XP will ask to load the Wavefinder drivers. Point this to the root of the Wavefinder CD.

Once loaded you should be able to load/run your favourite Wavefinder software without problems.

If you have any external hubs, these should now be plugged in. XP will again ask for drivers and you should again point to the W2K USB Drivers folder. Next add any other USB devices you have one by one. If necessary you may need to re-install the drivers for these devices.

Once all your devices are installed, rename the i386temp folder back to i386.

Hopefully you should have a perfectly working Wavefinder!

If after the re-boot you get a blue screen of death (BSOD), then re-boot again and choose normal boot again. If it still gives a BSOD then unfortunately this procedure will not work for you and the W2K drivers are not compatible with your motherboard. After another re-boot, choose 'Last known working configuration' to get you back to where you were before the driver install. Rename back all files in the dllcache folder and also rename the i386temp folder back to i386.

If you are successful in re-booting to normal XP but your Wavefinder or USB devices do not work, go to device manager and see if any of the USB host Controllers has a yellow exclamation mark under them. If they do, right click on it, choose properties, driver tab and driver details button. If any of the drivers have a green tick against them then something has gone wrong and you have a mixture of both XP and W2K drivers installed. Do a driver update again on this and any other with the yellow exclamation mark again pointing to the Windows 2000 drivers.

If you are still having problems with USB devices or the Wavefinder, It is possible to re-install the XP drivers on the USB Root hub but keeping the W2K drivers on the USB host controller. This may be necessary with a few motherboards.

I have tried to describe this process so that even a complete novice can carry out this procedure. If you get lost or do something wrong, I suggest that you re-boot the PC, press F8 and choose 'Last known working configuration'. You can start again if you wish or put XP back as it was by re-naming the i386temp back to i386 and renaming the files back within the dllcache folder.

Good luck

Messages: 5
Inscription: 18 Nov 2003 22:02

Message le 19 Nov 2003 22:33

Je suis content de voir des reponses, mais cela ne solutionne pas tout a fait mon probleme.
Au sujet de Zirconien, si le post m'est adressé, je te remercie mais mon modem n'est pas usb, c'est un modem interne PCI.

Merci quand meme :) :cry:
Messages: 4
Inscription: 19 Nov 2003 19:59

Message le 29 Nov 2003 11:27

J'ai du nouveau pour ce modem interne !!!! Le probleme vient de windows 2000 pro, maintenant c'est une certitude!!!!

Je m'explique : j'ai modifié mon pc et maintenant je tourne avec un double system d'exploitation (win 2000 pro/win 98 SE) et mon modem fonctionne parfaitement sous win 98.

Par contre je ne sais toujours pas comment le faire fonctionner sous win 2000. Je vois 2 possibilités a mon niveau amateur :roll: :
-pbl de conflit avec mon deuxieme modem adsl, bien que celui-ci branché sur une carte ethernet...
-pbl de drivers.... mais j'ai essayé tt les drivers ke j'ai trouvé pour win 2000.....

Voila voila, j'espere qu'une lumière viendra d'un gentil monsieur qui s'y connait plus que moi, merci d'avance
Messages: 4
Inscription: 19 Nov 2003 19:59

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