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Troubleshooting Blue Screen Error Messages in Microsoft® Windows® XP [ All Dell™ Desktop
and Portable Systems ]
This is a step-by-step Troubleshooting Wizard. Use the options below to navigate.
STEP: Run Blue Screen tests in Dell 32-bit diagnostics.
Power off the computer using the power button.
Press the power button to turn the computer back on.
Tap the <F12> key while the Dell BIOS splash screen is displayed.
The One-Time Boot Menu appears.
Press the <Down Arrow> to highlight Diagnostics or Boot to the Utility Partition, and press
The Dell GUI diagnostics start, and the Main Menu window appears.
NOTE: If Diagnostics or Boot to the Utility Partition do not appear, refer to one of the
following options:
Resource CD Method
If you have your resource CD, please refer to Dell Knowledge Base article: 129044 - "How do
I use the Dell™ Dimension™ Resource CD to run system diagnostics on my computer?"
Floppy Diskette Method
If your computer has a 3.5-inch diskette drive, please refer to the Graphical User
Interface directions in Dell Knowledge Base article: 155502 - "How do I run the Dell™
Diagnostics Utility?"
Click Symptom Tree.
The Symptom Tree window appears.
Click Windows Blue Screen or Cannot Boot the OS.
Click Run Tests.
The Dell Diagnostics test your computer.
Les recherches sur la base de données Support Technique de Dell confirment ma réponse de Jeudi matin.Test results: Fail
Error Code 0F00:075D
Msg: IDE devide failed: The self-test failed the read portion of the test.
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