le 28 Fév 2009 02:29
j'ai deja telechargez ces drivers ,mais merci pac! je me demande juste si il y a pas une différence entre ces drivers-ci et les drivers 2D ,et voila l'extrait du ReadMe qui parle de mon problème x)
PS: j'aurais du faire ça plus tot je crois et c'est un jeu de 1996 ^^
Error Num 7217: If you are having problem running the game due to Error 7217, which means that the game has failed to initialize Direct Draw surface for the main screen, we suggest following possible solutions:
.Make sure you have the latest driver for your 2D video card.
.Try adjusting your desktop size and resolution to 640x480x256 or 800x600x256. You can do this by going to the Start | Settings | Control Panel | Display | Setting. Adjust the Desktop Size to 640x480 or 800x600 and Color Palette to 256 color.
.Try adjusting your video card hardware acceleration feature. The slider for this can be found under Start | Setting | Control Panel | Display | Setting | Advanced Properties | Performance. Try adjusting the slider bar for the Hardware Acceleration to max.
.Run the Direct X diagnostic utility, DXDIAG.EXE, which should be found in your c:Program FilesDirectX folder or subfolder