J'ai téléchargé et installé avec succès la dernière version d'OpenOffice 2.0 Bêta sur ma Mandrake 10.0, mais pas moyen de passer en français.
J'obtiens le message suivant en lançant le script du pack francophone :
- Code: Tout sélectionner
[root@localhost bin]# sh OOo_1.9.104_LinuxIntel_langpack_fr.sh
You may only copy and distribute this program consistent with the
requirements and distribute this Program consistent with the
requirements of either the GNU General Public License (GPL) and GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) or the Sun Industry
Standards Source License (SISSL), respectively, depending on whether you
elected to obtain access to this program via the GPL/
LGPL Option or the SISSL Option. Copies of the GPL, LGPL and SISSL
licenses can be found http://www.openoffice.org/project/www
Third Party Code. Additional copyright notices and license terms
applicable to portions of the Software are set forth in the T
Copyright 2002,2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no]
Searching for the openofficeorg installation ...
Where do you want to install the language pack ?
Unpacking and installing...
rpm: les arguments de --prefix doivent commencer par un /
rpm: les arguments de --prefix doivent commencer par un /
rpm: les arguments de --prefix doivent commencer par un /
- Code: Tout sélectionner
[root@localhost program]# sh setofficelang
/opt/openoffice.org1.9.104/program/setofficelang.bin - set the user
interface language of a OpenOffice.org/StarOffice/StarSuite installation
usage : /opt/openoffice.org1.9.104/program/setofficelang.bin [-afcpl]
<language> ..
-a Change the default language of the installation.
This may require administrative rights.
-f Force selection of language.
Skips the check if this language is installed.
-c Display current active language.
-p Display current preferred language.
-l List all installed languages.
<language> - A language specified by its ISO code (e.g. 'en-US','de')
or '-' for default.
This language must be supported by the office installation
If multiple languages are listed, the first one that is
installed is used.
Result codes: 0 - Setting language successfull
1 - The language is not supported by this office installation
2 - Invalid arguments
3 - An internal error occurred
Mais seule la commande sh setofficelang -l renvoie quelque chose, en l'occurence : en-US
Toutes les autres commandes renvoient seulement l'invite de commande.
Est-ce que quelqu'un a réussi à passer en français ?