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Parse error ...

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Parse error ...

Message le 11 Avr 2005 16:18

salut a tous,

j'ai un ch'tit soucis avec un script php. il est sencé récupérer les status d'un serveur de jeu, mais au lieu de cela, j'obtiens le p'tit message suivant:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/httpd/html/livestatus/index.php on line 290

voici le script complet:

Okay. This is the hacked-up version of the livestatus script we use a
It should work once you plug in the right ip and port below. I don't intend this script
to be a normal package deal with support and all that. I still don't have enough time to
devote to getting this all polished and gift-wrapped. I tried to take out all the stylesheet
and link references to that I could, so it should work alright.

That all said, if you aren't a php guy, this script should work for you. If you are a PHP guy,
I apologize for the lack of comments, and wish you luck on tearing this down and rebuilding it
should you choose to do so. Hopefully it's nice to your error logs. :D

BF:V support is very easy to add, if we're calling this a 1.0, it'll be in 1.1.


//The Variables
//The page output is template-ish at the bottom for easier customization of the final product.

//Team names. Team 1 is red, Team 2 is blue.
$t1name = 'Axis';
$t2name = 'Allies';

//Your game server IP
$bfip = '';

//Your game server's GameSpy query port, default 23000 for BF1942
$bfport = '23000';

//How many seconds to wait for the query to return.
//Might need to be set higher for slower connections.
$timeout = '2';

//How often you'd like the page to autorefresh, in seconds.
//Delete all the lines with $refresh in it to make it not auto-refresh.
$refresh = '60';

//A few different options passable through the browser address.
//Adding ?debug=1 will spit out the arrays of data from the server
//The sort variable is handled via the script, so click around to figure it out.
if (!array_key_exists('sort', $_REQUEST)) $sort = 'score'; else $sort = $_REQUEST['sort'];
if (!array_key_exists('debug', $_GET)) $debug = '0'; else $debug = $_GET['debug'];

//Function Definitions
function stripquotes($string) {
$string = trim($string, "\"");
return $string;

function superstrip ($str) {
$str = ereg_replace('<[^>]*>|\([^)]*\)|\{[^}]*\}|\[[^]]*\]|\|[^|]*\|', '', $str);
$str = ereg_replace('[^[:alnum:]]', '', $str);
$str = strtolower($str);
return $str;

function cleanascii ($string) {
$count = strlen($string);
$i = '0';
$newstring = '';
while ($i < $count) {
$astring[] = $string{$i};
foreach ($astring as $value) {
$ord = ord($value);
$good = "&#$ord;";
$value = ereg_replace("[^[:alnum:][:punct:][:space:]]|<|>|\"|\'|&", $good, $value);
$newstring .= $value;
return $newstring;

//The part that gathers and chews UDP data aka unreliable world
$socket = fsockopen("udp://$bfip", $bfport);
fwrite($socket, "\\info\\");
$buffer = "";
$sockstatus = socket_get_status($socket);
while ( substr($buffer,-7) != "\final\\" && !$sockstatus['timed_out'] ) {
socket_set_timeout($socket, $timeout);
$buffer .= fread($socket,1);
$sockstatus = socket_get_status($socket);
$pair = explode("\\", $buffer);
for ($i=1; $i<count($pair)-2; $i++) { // -2 because the last pair is "final"
if ( $pair[$i] != "queryid" ) {
$info[$pair[$i]] = $pair[$i+1];
if ($sockstatus['timed_out'] == 1) {
$error = 'Server is temporarily down or changing maps.';
unset($sockstatus['timed_out']); }

$socket = fsockopen("udp://$bfip", $bfport);
fwrite($socket, "\\players\\");
$buffer = "";
$sockstatus = socket_get_status($socket);
while ( substr($buffer,-7) != "\final\\" && !$sockstatus['timed_out']) {
socket_set_timeout($socket, $timeout);
$buffer .= fread($socket,1);
$sockstatus = socket_get_status($socket);

$pair = explode("\\", $buffer);
for ($i=1; $i<count($pair)-2; $i++) { // -2 because the last pair is "final"
for ($i=1; $i<count($pair)-2; $i++) { // -2 because the last pair is "final"
for ($i=1; $i<count($pair)-2; $i++) { // -2 because the last pair is "final"
$array = each($pair);
$rule = $array[1];
if ( $rule != "queryid" ) {
$array = each($pair);
$value = $array[1];
$array = explode("_", $rule);
//Dupe name prevention:
if ($array[1] < @$info['numplayers'] && $array[0] != "teamname") {
$game[$array[0]]['p'.$array[1]] = $value; }
} else {
each($pair); }

//Content Generation
if (@$info && @$info['numplayers'] == 0) {
$error = 'Server is empty or changing maps.';

if (@$game['error']) {
$error = $game['error'];

if ($info['tickets2'] > $info['tickets1']) {
$tickets = $info['tickets2'] - $info['tickets1'];
if ($tickets == '1') $tickets = "<b>$tickets</b> ticket";
else $tickets = "<b>$tickets</b> tickets";
$twinning = "<b>$t2name</b> is currently winning by $tickets."; }
elseif ($info['tickets1'] > $info['tickets2']) {
$tickets = $info['tickets1'] - $info['tickets2'];
if ($tickets == '1') $tickets = "<b>$tickets</b> ticket";
else $tickets = "<b>$tickets</b> tickets";
$twinning = "<b>$t1name</b> is currently winning by $tickets."; }
else {
$twinning = "The teams are currently tied at <b class=highlight>{$info['tickets1']}</b> tickets"; };

switch ($sort) {
case 'score':
@array_multisort($game['score'], SORT_DESC, $game['kills'], SORT_DESC, $game['deaths'], SORT_ASC);
$sortprint = 'score'; break;
case 'kills':
@array_multisort($game['kills'], SORT_DESC, $game['score'], SORT_DESC, $game['deaths'], SORT_ASC);
$sortprint = 'kills'; break;
case 'deaths':
@array_multisort($game['deaths'], SORT_DESC, $game['kills'], SORT_DESC, $game['score'], SORT_DESC);
$sortprint = 'deaths'; break;
case 'ping':
@array_multisort($game['ping'], SORT_ASC, $game['score'], SORT_DESC, $game['kills'], SORT_DESC, $game['deaths'], SORT_ASC);
$sortprint = 'ping'; break;
case 'lowername':
foreach ($game['playername'] as $key => $value) {
$value = html_entity_decode($value);
$game['lowername'][$key] = superstrip($value); }
array_multisort($game['lowername'], SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $game['score'], SORT_DESC, $game['kills'], SORT_DESC, $game['deaths'], SORT_ASC);
$sortprint = 'player name'; break; }

if (@$game[$sort]) foreach ($game[$sort] as $player => $crap) {
$playername = &$game['playername'][$player];
if ($stripout) $playername = superstrip($playername);
$keyhash = &$game['keyhash'][$player];
$score = &$game['score'][$player];
$kills = &$game['kills'][$player];
$deaths = &$game['deaths'][$player];
$ping = &$game['ping'][$player];
$team = &$game['team'][$player];

$playername = cleanascii($playername);
$listadd = "\t<tr>
<td><a href=\"$link$keyhash\"$color>$playername</a></TD>
<td align=center>$score</TD>
<td align=center>$kills</TD>
<td align=center>$deaths</TD>
<td align=center>$ping</TD>
if ($team == 1) {
$t1list .= $listadd;
$t1score += $score;
$t1kills += $kills;
$t1deaths += $deaths;
$t1ping += $ping;
if ($team == 2) {
$t2list .= $listadd;
$t2score += $score;
$t2kills += $kills;
$t2deaths += eaths;
$t2ping += $ping;

if ($small == 1) echo("<center><table border=0 width=640>");
if ($small != 1) {
//Page output goes here

<title><?=$info['hostname'];?> Live Server Status</title>
<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='<?=$refresh;?>'>
<div align=center>
<table border=0 width=600>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>
<h1><?=$info['hostname'];?> Server Status:</h1>
There are <b><?=$info['numplayers'];?></b> out of <b><?=$info['maxplayers'];?></b> players currently playing.<br><br>
The current map is <?= ucwords($info['mapname']);?></span></b></a>.<br><?=$twinning?>
<tr><td colspan=2><hr width=96%></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=50%>
<TABLE border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 width=100%>
<TR><td height="17" valign=bottom bgcolor="#847D49"><?=$t2name;?> Team</TD>
<td colspan=4 nowrap bgcolor="#847D49">Tickets: <b><?=$info['tickets2'];?></b></td></tr>
<TR><td width="60%" bgcolor="#847D49"><a href="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?sort=lowername"><b class=x-small>&nbsp;Players: <?=$t2;?></b></a></TD>
<td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#847D49"><a href="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?sort=score"><img src="/images/status/score.jpg" alt="Sort by Score" title="Sort by Score" border=0></a></TD>
<td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#847D49"><a href="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?sort=kills"><img src="/images/status/kills.jpg" alt="Sort by Kills" title="Sort by Kills" border=0></a></TD>
<td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#847D49"><a href="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?sort=deaths"><img src="/images/status/deaths.jpg" alt="Sort by Deaths" title="Sort by Deaths" border=0></a></TD>
<td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#847D49"><a href="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?sort=ping"><img src="/images/status/ping.jpg" alt="Sort by Ping" title="Sort by Ping" border=0></a></TD></TR>
<td valign=top width=50%>
<TABLE border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 width=100%>
<TR><td height="17" valign=bottom bgcolor="#847D49"><?=$t1name;?> Team</TD>
<td colspan=4 nowrap bgcolor="#847D49">Tickets: <b><?=$info['tickets1'];?></b></td></tr>
<TR><td width="60%" bgcolor="#847D49"><a href="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?sort=lowername"><b class=x-small>&nbsp;Players: <?=$t1;?></b></a></TD>
<td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#847D49"><a href="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?sort=score"><img src="/images/status/score.jpg" alt="Sort by Score" title="Sort by Score" border=0></a></TD>
<td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#847D49"><a href="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?sort=kills"><img src="/images/status/kills.jpg" alt="Sort by Kills" title="Sort by Kills" border=0></TD>
<td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#847D49"><a href="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?sort=deaths"><img src="/images/status/deaths.jpg" alt="Sort by Deaths" title="Sort by Deaths" border=0></a></TD>
<td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#847D49"><a href="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?sort=ping"><img src="/images/status/ping.jpg" alt="Sort by Ping" title="Sort by Ping" border=0></a></TD></TR>
<td valign=top width=50%>
<TABLE border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 width=100%>
<TR><td width='60%'></TD>
<td align='center'><?=$t2score;?></TD>
<td align='center'><?=$t2kills;?></TD>
<td align='center'><?=$t2deaths;?></TD>
<td align='center'><? if ($t2 > 0) echo intval($t2ping/$t2);?></TD></TR>
<td valign=top width=50%>
<TABLE border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 width=100%>
<TR><td width='60%'></TD>
<td align='center'><?=$t1score;?></TD>
<td align='center'><?=$t1kills;?></TD>
<td align='center'><?=$t1deaths;?></TD>
<td align='center'><? if ($t1 > 0) echo intval($t1ping/$t1);?></TD></TR>
<tr><td colspan=2><hr width=96%></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>
Page generated <?=date("l F dS, Y");?> at <?=date("g:i:s T");?>.</td></tr>
if ($debug == 1) {
echo("Sorted Player List<br>");
echo print_r($game);
echo("Server Info<br>");
echo print_r($info);

la ligne 290 est a ligne apres le >?

Messages: 2
Inscription: 17 Mar 2004 12:55

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