Bonspoir ,
Réponse de nos amis de chez Intel :
The answer to this query is straightforward. A motherboard's BIOS only has knowledge about the processors that existed when this motherboard and BIOS was released. When a new generation of processors is released that utilize the same socket and thus can be installed into existing motherboards, the BIOS on these motherboards must be updated with support for this processor -- but this must happen before the new processor is installed!. Why? Because the existing BIOS does not yet know how to initialize the new processor generation and thus cannot operate with these processors. It is your basic chicken and egg situation.
For those folks that purchase a motherboard and use it with a processor from the original supported generation, upgrading is easy. Using their existing processor, they install the BIOS update that adds support for the new processor generation and then they switch to the new processor. For those folks that purchase an older (previous generation) board at the same time as the new processor, it can be problematic. If the existing BIOS cannot initialize the new processor (because it has no knowledge about this processor and thus does not know how), it is difficult to get the new BIOS onto the board. Purchasing or borrowing a previous generation processor is often the only remedy possible.
I wish there was a better answer, but this is the reality of the current situation. Everyone asks Intel to support a socket across multiple generations so that upgrade paths are available, not realizing that this issue is going to result. The good news is that Intel is working on a possible solution for this issue. Do a web search for articles regarding Intel's Compute Card effort...
Intel Communities
Processeurs 7ème génération incompatible avec carte mère 6 ème génération ? Pourquoi ?
created by Intel Corporation in Desktop Boards - View the full discussion
Hello routman54,
Thank you for joining the Desktop Boards community.
From my end, I have not heard of issues like the one you are reporting with the new generation of processors Kaby Lake and Skylake. Have you encountered this issue? Can you provide more details about it? Details like your computer model, and the processors models.
Intel Communities
Processeurs 7ème génération incompatible avec carte mère 6 ème génération ? Pourquoi ?
created by Al Hill in Desktop Boards - View the full discussion
"Compute Card"? A modernized "Slot One" effort?
Donc pour un c'est normal c'est le prix à payer pour les nouveautés , c'est ce que j'ai pu comprendre avec google, la seconde dit ne pas être au courant , ( ils travaillent pas ensemble ) et le troisième je ne sis pas trop ce qu'il veut dire .
Tout ça pour dire que l'on avait compris la parade , mais qu'à mon avis ce n'est pas normal de cacher ce fait à l'acheteur .
Bonne continuation .