Ah!! peux tu m'expliquer à quoi correspond le " \* " ?

EDIT: j'ai trouvé cela sur un forum
Je cite: " Ou alors un petit script VBS a placer ds le dossier "démarrage" de Windows:
il détruit les "Temps" au lancement de win ;
par exemple, voici un bon VBS de M.Harris en Pjointe
(renommer le LOG en VBS,avant usage) "
Voici le script en question: Peux-t-on me dire si je peux l'utiliser sans risque et ce qu'il fait exactement? Merci.

- Code: Tout sélectionner
'DeleteTempFiles.vbs - A utility to clean Win9x temp directory
'at boot. Put a shortcut to this file in Startup directory.
'© Bill James - bill@billsway.com - rev 26 May 2002
'Original author - Michael Harris - posted to
'microsoft.public.scripting.vbs newsgroup on 28 Aug 1999.
'Modifications by Bill James: Added safety check for dangerous
'temp folder settting. Revised summary popup to include
'savings for this run and cumulative savings to date.
'rev 26 May 2002 to add error trap for unformatted partition
Option Explicit
Dim fso,ws,Title
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Title = "Temp File Cleaner"
Dim TmpDir : TmpDir = ws.Environment("Process")("Temp")
Dim OldTmpSize : OldTmpSize = fso.GetFolder(TmpDir).size
Dim arFiles(),cnt,dcnt,Fldr,SubFldr,File
cnt = -1
dcnt = 0
DelTmpFiles TmpDir
DelEmptyFldrs TmpDir
Dim strF,strD,RptSize,TotSave
If dcnt >= 1 Then ws.Popup cnt & strF & dcnt & _
strD & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & RptSize & vbCRLF & _
vbCRLF & TotSave,60,Title
Sub ChkTmpSafe
Dim Drv,Unsafe,WinDir,ComDir,PgmDir,SysDir,UnsafeDir
If TmpDir = "" Then
ws.Popup "Unsafe condition detected. %TEMP% " &_
"Variable is not set.",60,Title,16
End If
If Not fso.FolderExists(TmpDir) Then
End If
For Each Drv In fso.Drives
'If a drive or partition is not formatted, an error occurs
On Error Resume Next
If Drv.DriveType = 2 or Drv.DriveType = 3 Then _
UnSafe = UnSafe & Drv.RootFolder & "|"
On Error GoTo 0
Unsafe = Unsafe & fso.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "|"
Unsafe = Unsafe & fso.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\Command|"
Unsafe = Unsafe & ws.RegRead("HKLM\Software\Microsoft" _
& "\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProgramFilesPath") & "|"
Unsafe = Unsafe & fso.getspecialfolder(1)
Unsafe = Split(Unsafe,"|",-1,1)
For Each UnsafeDir In Unsafe
If UCase(UnsafeDir) = UCase(TmpDir) Or _
UCase(UnsafeDir) & "\" = UCase(TmpDir) Or _
UCase(UnsafeDir) = UCase(TmpDir) & "\" Then
ws.Popup "Unsafe condition detected. %TEMP% " &_
"Variable is set to " & TmpDir,60,Title,16
End If
End Sub
Sub DelTmpFiles(FldrSpec)
Set Fldr = fso.GetFolder(FldrSpec)
For Each File In Fldr.Files
cnt = cnt + 1
Redim Preserve arFiles(cnt)
Set arFiles(cnt) = File
For Each SubFldr in Fldr.SubFolders
DelTmpFiles SubFldr
For Each file in arFiles
On Error Resume Next
file.Delete True
If Err.Number = 0 Then dcnt = dcnt + 1
End Sub
Sub DelEmptyFldrs(FldrSpec)
Set Fldr = fso.GetFolder(FldrSpec)
For Each SubFldr in Fldr.SubFolders
DelEmptyFldrs SubFldr
On Error Resume Next
If UCase(Fldr.Path) <> UCase(TmpDir) Then
If Fldr.Files.Count = 0 Then
If Fldr.SubFolders.Count = 0 Then
End If
End If
End If
If Err.Number = 76 Then
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Sub
Sub CalcSave
Dim NewTmpSize,SaveSize,s1,s2
Dim TmpClnLog,OldSave,HideLog,Log
NewTmpSize = fso.GetFolder(TmpDir).size
SaveSize = OldTmpSize - NewTmpSize
s1 = " free space reclaimed."
If SaveSize < 1024 Then
RptSize = SaveSize & " bytes" & s1
ElseIf SaveSize < 1048576 Then
RptSize = Round(SaveSize / 1024) & " KB" & s1
Else RptSize = Round(SaveSize / 1048576) & " MB" & s1
End If
Log = fso.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\TempClean.Log"
If Not fso.FileExists(Log) Then fso.CreateTextFile(Log)
If fso.GetFile(Log).Size = 0 Then
Set TmpClnLog = fso.OpenTextFile(Log,8,True)
End If
Set TmpClnLog = fso.OpenTextFile(Log,1)
OldSave = TmpClnLog.ReadLine
If Not IsNumeric(OldSave) Then OldSave = 0
TotSave = OldSave + SaveSize
Set TmpClnLog = fso.OpenTextFile(Log,2)
TmpClnLog.WriteLine TotSave
s2 = " reclaimed to date."
If TotSave < 1024 Then
TotSave = TotSave & " bytes" & s2
ElseIf TotSave < 1048576 Then
TotSave = Round(TotSave / 1024) & " KB" & s2
Else TotSave = Round(TotSave / 1048576) & " MB" & s2
End If
cnt = cnt + 1
If cnt = 1 Then strF = " file found, " _
Else strF = " files found, "
If dcnt = 1 Then strD = " file deleted." _
Else strD = " files deleted."
Set TmpClnLog = Nothing
End Sub
Sub Cleanup
Set fso = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub