j'ai un fichier nommé "LVCOMSX.LOG" dans le dossier doc settings emp avec plein de lignes bizarres comme ça :
12/7/2007 16:55:0:640 DevExplorer.cpp-line:1413:OnDeviceChange: Wrong DevBD type for DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL...
12/7/2007 16:57:30:31 DevExplorer.cpp-line:1398:OnDeviceChange: Failed to Setup Drive letters... Ignoring...
12/7/2007 16:57:30:31 DevExplorer.cpp-line:1648:SetupDevicesForMonitor: Failed to open a Device... Ignoring...
12/7/2007 17:0:32:937 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
12/7/2007 17:0:33:31 DevExplorer.cpp-line:2098:Refresh: Failed to Setup Drive letters... Ignoring...
12/7/2007 17:0:33:62 DevExplorer.cpp-line:1648:SetupDevicesForMonitor: Failed to open a Device... Ignoring...
12/7/2007 17:0:33:109 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
12/7/2007 17:0:33:109 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
12/7/2007 17:0:33:125 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
12/7/2007 17:0:33:125 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
12/7/2007 17:1:3:171 DevExplorer.cpp-line:1413:OnDeviceChange: Wrong DevBD type for DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL...
12/7/2007 17:1:34:484 DevExplorer.cpp-line:1742:SetupDevice: Failed to Get IsLogitech! Exiting...
12/7/2007 17:1:34:484 DevExplorer.cpp-line:1388:OnDeviceChange: Failed to Setup capture Device!...Giving up!
12/7/2007 17:1:37:359 DevExplorer.cpp-line:1398:OnDeviceChange: Failed to Setup Drive letters... Ignoring...
12/7/2007 17:1:37:359 DevExplorer.cpp-line:1648:SetupDevicesForMonitor: Failed to open a Device... Ignoring...
12/7/2007 17:1:37:359 DevExplorer.cpp-line:1648:SetupDevicesForMonitor: Failed to open a Device... Ignoring...
12/7/2007 17:1:47:671 DevExplorer.cpp-line:1438:OnDeviceChange: Wrong DevBH type for DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE...
3/7/2008 19:25:58:983 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
3/7/2008 19:25:59:15 DevExplorer.cpp-line:2098:Refresh: Failed to Setup Drive letters... Ignoring...
3/7/2008 19:25:59:15 DevExplorer.cpp-line:1648:SetupDevicesForMonitor: Failed to open a Device... Ignoring...
3/7/2008 19:25:59:30 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
3/7/2008 19:25:59:30 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
3/7/2008 19:25:59:30 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
3/7/2008 19:25:59:62 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
3/7/2008 19:25:59:77 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
3/7/2008 19:25:59:93 EventMngr.cpp-line:1904:KSEventListMember::KSMonitor: Failed to enable KS kernel event...
3/7/2008 19:25:59:796 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
3/7/2008 19:25:59:796 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
3/7/2008 19:25:59:812 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
3/7/2008 19:25:59:827 EventMngr.cpp-line:1904:KSEventListMember::KSMonitor: Failed to enable KS kernel event...
3/7/2008 19:25:59:827 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
3/7/2008 19:25:59:843 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
3/7/2008 19:25:59:874 EventMngr.cpp-line:1904:KSEventListMember::KSMonitor: Failed to enable KS kernel event...
3/7/2008 19:25:59:905 EventMngr.cpp-line:1904:KSEventListMember::KSMonitor: Failed to enable KS kernel event...
3/7/2008 19:25:59:905 CDebugLogMsg::SetLoggingLevel - Changing Log Level From 5 to 4
3/7/2008 19:25:59:921 EventMngr.cpp-line:1904:KSEventListMember::KSMonitor: Failed to enable KS kernel event...
euh ca veut dire quoi ?? est ce lié à ma webcam logitech?? tout va bien (en tout cas aux heures indiquées tout allait bien) mais je sais pas pourquoi mais ce message "KSEventListMember::KSMonitor: Failed to enable KS kernel event" me fait peur!

si je le supprime il se recrée avec les memes lignes du 07/03/2008 quand je lance ma webcam.. j'ai eu des problemes ces derniers temps avec mais bon quand je la lance je me voit bien dedans alors je comprends pas ce "failed"