sauf que j'y arrive pas !
voici le script du carousel:
- Code: Tout sélectionner
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" title="G1SCRIPT" type="text/javascript">
//Script Généré sur le Site http://www.G1SCRIPT.COM
carousel({id:'Mes Images 8',
size_mode:'image', //Enter "carousel" or "image". Affects the width and height parameters below.
width:79, //Enter width of image or entire carousel, depending on above value
height:32, //Enter height of image or entire carousel, depending on above value
sides:0, //# of sides of the carousel. What's shown = sides/2. Even integer with sides/2< total images is best
steps:23, //# of animation steps. More = smoother, but more CPU intensive
speed:5, //Speed of slideshow. Larger = faster.
direction:'top', //Direction of slideshow. Enter "top", "bottom", "left", or "right"
links: ['', //enter link URLs, or for no links, empty array instead (links :[])
'_top', ],
lnk_attr:['width=700,height=600,top=200,menubar=yes', //window attribute for each pop up (see url above for docs)
titles:['Opens in top window',
'Opens in top window',
'Opens in top window',
'Opens in top window'],
et c'est cette ligne la qui me pose pb :
- Code: Tout sélectionner
links: ['', //enter link URLs, or for no links, empty array instead (links :[])
ici, on doit mettre le lien vers la nouvelle page, mais ma page est directement un mailto ! bref si vous m'avez compris c'est super sinon demandé !
Cordialement, Le 44