Ca fait deux jours que j'essaye de résoudre le problème et j'ai tout essayé : j'ai désinstallé punkbuster à la truelle (j'ai même effacé ses traces dans regedit) avant de l'installer en utilisant pbsetup et pbsvc, mais rien n'y a fait.
Par contre à un moment il s'est passé un truc bizarre : j'avais désactivé le pare feu windows pour voir si ça marchait et ça marchait pas. Du coup j'avais éteint l'ordi et j'étais parti me coucher. Là il y a mon frère qui est allé squatter l'ordi (il est allé se coucher à 7 h du mat parce que il avait peur des zombies

Mais bon, cet épisode me donne quand même l'impression qu'il y a un pb avec le pare feu. D'ailleurs c'ets ce que semble penser le technicien de chez punkbuster avec lequel je suis en discussion (discussion que je reporte ici)
When i connect on a game, the mouse freezes immediately and after a few seconds i'm disconnected from the servers with this message : "Service communication failure : pnkBstrA.exe".
I installed windows seven yesterday (before, with XP, it was working) and I don't know what to do... I even disinstalled punkbuster and erased all its components with regedit before using ur tool PBsetup V 3.4, but nothing changed :/
It's not the windows firewall... i shuted it dows without resoult
If you are being kicked for a "Communication Failure" it is likely that something on your computer is preventing the PnkBstr services from communicating with each other.
A common cause for this is a security or anti-virus program. McAfee and other popular security/firewall programs need to be told to allow the PnkBstrA and PnkBstrB services to run without restriction (even if you turn them off while playing; the service files are located in "C:\Windows\System32" or "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\"). Until you locate and remove the restrictions on PnkBstrA and B, you will continue to be kicked for this. DO NOT remove those files! E.g. if you are using a software firewall you will need to unblock/allow them.
Also make sure you don't run the game in a compatibility mode.
If you've never manually installed the PunkBuster services, you might want to try that as well. Download the service installer from and run it. You might also want to reinstall the services using this tool.
Inttresting but really strange news : yesterday i forgot to put on the firewall again before shutting down the PC. This morning my brother started to play and it worked!!
So i asked myself if he firewall was the solution. So i put the firewall on again, and then the game didn't work.
Then i thought that u had to turn off the firewall and reebot the PC before playing. SO i tried but it didn't work. And now i don't understand how my brother managed to play online (he was really playing online, on a punkbuster server, i tried by myself and, before i tured the firewall on again,it was working!!)
I use avast as an antivirus, and the windows firewall, that's all. Could be one of them?
And what's compatibility mode?
(I already un-installed/re-installed with this tool, and when i use the "test services" button, he says everything is ok)
I found PnkbstrA and B on C:\Windows\SysWOW64\... but what do I have to do with them?
Bref, je suis vraiment paumé... il y a quelqu'un qui entrevoit une solution??