Bonjour georgiou, merci pour cette info.
Test effectué ce matin avec Orthos de 1h10 et la température full à 48°.
Type: Blend - stress CPU and RAM Min: 8 Max: 4096 InPlace: No Mem: 765 Time: 15
CPU: 2705MHz FSB: 246MHz [245MHz x 11.0 est.]
12/02/2007 07:56
Launching 2 threads...
1:Using CPU #0
1:Beginning a continuous self-test to check your computer.
1:Press Stop to end this test.
2:Using CPU #1
1:Test 1, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19922945 using 1024K FFT length.
2:Beginning a continuous self-test to check your computer.
2:Press Stop to end this test.
2:Test 1, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19922945 using 1024K FFT length.
2:Test 2, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19922943 using 1024K FFT length.
1:Test 2, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19922943 using 1024K FFT length.
2:Test 3, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19374367 using 1024K FFT length.
1:Test 3, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19374367 using 1024K FFT length.
2:Test 4, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19174369 using 1024K FFT length.
1:Test 4, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19174369 using 1024K FFT length.
2:Test 5, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18874369 using 1024K FFT length.
1:Self-test 1024K passed!
1:Test 1, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M172031 using 8K FFT length.
2:Self-test 1024K passed!
2:Test 1, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M172031 using 8K FFT length.
1:Test 2, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M163839 using 8K FFT length.
2:Test 2, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M163839 using 8K FFT length.
1:Test 3, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M159745 using 8K FFT length.
2:Test 3, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M159745 using 8K FFT length.
1:Test 4, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M157695 using 8K FFT length.
2:Test 4, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M157695 using 8K FFT length.
1:Test 5, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M155649 using 8K FFT length.
2:Test 5, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M155649 using 8K FFT length.
1:Self-test 8K passed!
1:Test 1, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M212991 using 10K FFT length.
2:Self-test 8K passed!
2:Test 1, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M212991 using 10K FFT length.
1:Test 2, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M210415 using 10K FFT length.
2:Test 2, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M210415 using 10K FFT length.
1:Test 3, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M208897 using 10K FFT length.
2:Test 3, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M208897 using 10K FFT length.
1:Test 4, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M204799 using 10K FFT length.
2:Test 4, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M204799 using 10K FFT length.
1:Test 5, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M200705 using 10K FFT length.
2:Test 5, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M200705 using 10K FFT length.
1:Test 6, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M196607 using 10K FFT length.
2:Test 6, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M196607 using 10K FFT length.
1:Self-test 10K passed!
1:Test 1, 4500 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M17432577 using 896K FFT length.
2:Self-test 10K passed!
2:Test 1, 4500 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M17432577 using 896K FFT length.
1:Test 2, 4500 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M17432575 using 896K FFT length.
2:Test 2, 4500 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M17432575 using 896K FFT length.
1:Test 3, 4500 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M17115073 using 896K FFT length.
2:Test 3, 4500 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M17115073 using 896K FFT length.
1:Test 4, 4500 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M16815071 using 896K FFT length.
2:Test 4, 4500 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M16815071 using 896K FFT length.
1:Test 5, 4500 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M16515073 using 896K FFT length.
2:Test 5, 4500 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M16515073 using 896K FFT length.
1:Self-test 896K passed!
1:Test 1, 5300 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M14942209 using 768K FFT length.
2:Self-test 896K passed!
2:Test 1, 5300 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M14942209 using 768K FFT length.
1:Torture Test ran 1 hours, 8 minutes 19 seconds - 0 errors, 0 warnings.
2:Torture Test ran 1 hours, 8 minutes 19 seconds - 0 errors, 0 warnings.
1:Execution halted.
2:Execution halted.
Quand vous dites que la température de 40° c'est peu, faut dire que ma tour est bien ventilé et il fait pas très chaud chez moi je pense que ca y fait. ( 17 ° ) pour vous dire j'ai pas besoin d'allumer le chauffage, température supportable et mon porte monnaie m'en remercie
Avec Orthos il y a quand même 8° de plus qu'avec Prime95.
J'ai installé TestLab2006 et effectué un test de performance du proc ainsi de que de ma ram et j'obtiens une note plus que satisfaisante, le Athlon 5000+ est loin derrière

mais puis-je vraiment me fier niveau perf à TestLab... Quand pensez vous?