En anglais dans le texte :
USER: The owner of the process, typically the user who started it
PID: The processes unique ID number. These are assigned sequentially as processes start. When they reach 30,000 or so, the number starts over again at 0. 0-5 are usually low-level operating system processes which never exit, however.
%CPU: Percentage of the CPU's time spent running this process.
%MEM: Percentage of total memory in use by this process
VSZ: Total virtual memory size, in 1K blocks.
RSS: Real Set Size, the actual amount of physical memory allocated to this process.
TTY: Terminal associated with this process. A ? indicates the process is not connected to a terminal.
STAT: Process state codes. Common states are S - Sleeping, R - Runnable (on run queue), N - Low priority task, Z - Zombie process
START: When the process was started, in hours and minutes, or a day if the process has been running for a while.
TIME: CPU time used by process since it started.
COMMAND: The command name. This can be modified by processes as they run, so don't rely on it abolutely!
TTY : console sur lequel le process est rattaché
VSZ : total de mémoire utilisé par le process (en taille de bloc contrairement au pourcentage utilisé %MEM)
STAT : état du process (zombi, au repos, en exécution, en basse priorité)
CMD : le nom de commande du process (ex : tu dois forcément avoir PS puisque c'est la commande que tu tapes...)
Pour voir ce qui fait ramer le PC, il doit falloir étudier la colonne %CPU.